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Rector's Warden's Report

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

Hello St. Andrew’s! The summertime is fleeting, and church programs are starting back up again. You’ll see highlights and opportunities below, but one thing you won’t want to miss is our Kickoff Sunday and Parish Picnic on September 8th. We’ll start it up with a combined service at 10am and worship together with our full choir back in action. After the service join us for a lovely time of food, fellowship, and fun. Mark your calendars and bring a friend, you won’t want to miss it!

A few reminders as we get back into the swing of things:

  • Don’t forget to wear your name tag at church. If you don’t have one, please contact the church office as we’d be happy to have one made for you.

  • If you normally scoot out of the church after the service, try sticking around for coffee hour. A few minutes of fellowship before carrying on with the day always feels good.

  • If you give online, don’t forget to pick up an offering token at the bulletin station as you head into the sanctuary. When the offering plate is passed, participate in the blessing of your generous gifts by dropping your token in the plate with those that give by check and cash.

  • If you volunteer, please arrive early to your commitments. This keeps things stress free and smooth sailing.

Below are our current Highlights, Opportunities, and Dependencies as a church.  These are just high-level bullet points and further information can be found within the individual ministry reports or by contacting a ministry leader.

Highlights (July/Aug)

  • Vacation Bible School

  • Parish Discernment Group: two committees at St. Andrew’s were formed to support the calling of two individuals within our community and help with the discernment of those callings. Both committees have affirmed these callings, and their work was approved by the Vestry. Please congratulate Lee Johnson as he continues his journey to the Deaconate and Dan Garrison-Edwards to the Priesthood.

  • Outreach - a generous contribution of 13 full backpacks and five large boxes of school supplies for the upcoming school year donated to the Bridge Academy & Community Center in Coatesville. Thank you for all those supporting families in need!

  • Completed transition to new accounting system to modernize processes.

Opportunities (Sept)

  • Kickoff Sunday & Parish Picnic: Don’t miss this wonderful time as we celebrate the return of all our regular church programs. 

  • Sunday School is back September 15th! If you have questions, reach out to Kristy Campagna.

  • Chicken BBQ: Fun & Delicious. We need volunteers and ticket sales! And don’t forget to purchase this year’s BBQ t-shirt!

  • Spread the word and look for opportunities to invite others to our church. There are people out there searching for a church community like ours. Also, we have St. Andrew’s yard signs if you have a good place to provide some visibility and soft advertising.

Dependencies (items that impact our ability to accomplish opportunities/goals)

  • Volunteers - We need you! Please consider upcoming events to lend a helping hand.

  • Thank you for your financial gifts to St. Andrew’s. Your pledge and regular offerings are crucial for sustaining our ongoing services and programs.

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