We strive to create a warm and nurturing intergenerational community where each member is connected to Christians of all ages. Many programs exist to support children and youth in their spiritual journeys. We invite you to journey with us!
Children's Ministry

The heart of our ministry to children/youth is our dynamic Sunday morning church school program. Classes are available during the school year for children/youth ages four through high school every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. (coinciding with our 10:00 a.m. worship service). Children join their parents in church midway through the service in order to receive communion.
Nursery Room
Our Nursery room is available to families with children 6 months to 3 years! Parents are able to worship knowing their little ones are taken care of by a paid attendant, and their children can play, interact with church friends, and enjoy a snack during the 10am service.

Adult Christian Formation

Throughout the year we offer a number of opportunities for adults to engage in a variety of Christian education environments. We have offered courses and bible studies studying the basics of the Christian faith, as well as forums that have been more in depth. Each year we also offer an Episcopal 101 class for those interested in learning more about our Episcopal particulars in the Anglican tradition and confirmation.
Our choir is a rich and vital part of the history of Saint Andrew's. Led by our Director of Music, the choir is always looking for new members and is welcoming to all! Our adult choir rehearses on Thursdays at 7pm.

Book Club

Do you like to read? Join St. Andrew's book club! Once a month, a group gets together to discuss readings from the current book of choice.