Hello St. Andrew’s, Here are some of the latest highlights, opportunities, and dependencies as a church. Please read through the entire Piper for more detail on updates and information.
Highlights (April)
Ladies Tea – special guest speaker and fellowship event.
Outreach Ministry Partner Highlight: Thankful for the presentation from Thistle Hills.
Spring Cleanup! Thank you to those that helped with weeding, mulching, and tidying the church.
Outreach Ministry Partner Highlight: Church Seaman’s Institute. Join us at an upcoming coffee hour in May to learn about the work and outreach done through this partner.
Strawberry Festival / Children’s Day Service and Coffee Hour, June 2nd.
Dependencies (items that impact our ability to accomplish opportunities/goals)
Volunteers - We need you! Let a Vestry member know what you are interested in. Or we can direct you to a program that can use the help!