It is my sincere pleasure to be with you as Interim Organist and Choirmaster at St. Andrew’s. During the three years since I returned to Pennsylvania, I have had the pleasure of serving this church on a half-dozen occasions. It was always a joy, largely due to the warmth of the members, the beauty of the location, and the church’s dedication to meaningful worship. Having grown up in the Lutheran Church (ELCA), liturgical worship has always occupied an important place in my life. Throughout my career, I have served Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, and Brethren in Christ congregations. For several years I also served in several Roman Catholic Churches, including as a professional chorister at the Cathedral Basilica in Newark. This breadth of experience has been invaluable and has reinforced to me that whatever the differences in our approach to worship (and they are indeed vast), there is a common spirit moving among the universal church. I would also like to think that these different experiences have helped me to cultivate a sense of perspective and a broader repertoire than might be found in a single tradition or denomination.
In current news, our choir is coming back together after a long time away. Why not join us? We are currently rehearsing the first Thursday of the month and at 9:00 on Sunday mornings. Recordings are provided to assist in the learning process for those with busy schedules or those who would like some extra time with the music during the week. Feel free to reach out and let me know if there is a particular barrier that is deterring you from participating. We hope to remain flexible so that as many volunteers as possible can join us. In the coming months, I’ll be letting you know about plans for Lessons and Carols and several intergenerational singing opportunities for worship. I look forward to meeting each of you and getting to know more about this remarkable community of faith.
-Nate Zullinger (nathan@standrewschesco.org)