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St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

Stewardship Letter

It was very exciting to see how many families came out on St. Andrew’s Day which was also our Joyful Giving Sunday! That was the final day of a month of testimonies from our fellow parishioners who spoke about why St. Andrew's is important to them and why it is so important to support the church both with time & talent, and financially. So far, we have received more pledges than we did in 2020, which is a great trend, but we still have not received pledges from all our active members. But it’s not too late! We still have a couple of Sundays left in 2021 for you to get your pledge cards in so that we can more accurately forecast our 2022 budget.

How do you get your pledge in? You can fill out a pledge card located in the narthex when you come to church on Sunday and place it in the offering plate or hand it to an usher. You can also pledge online by navigating to the Donate tab on our website or click this link:

Why should I pledge this year? We are excited about the programs we are planning for 2022 and we heard your ideas and suggestions at the two town hall meetings and from the parish survey. As we move into the new year with greater stability in our leadership and more flexibility to gather and celebrate Christ’s love, it is very important that we have the capability to get the ball rolling and keep the momentum for the future of the church.

How much should I pledge? This is a personal decision that each family must make on their own. Of course, like anything else in life, we hope you consider increasing your pledge amount to compensate for the rising costs to maintain the church and provide the experience we are all looking for at St. Andrew's.

Regardless of how much you give, I just wanted to express my gratitude for your continued fellowship and support. What better time to reflect on what is important in our lives than during the holiday season.

God Bless,

Jeff Herrera

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