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Rector's Warden's Report for November 2021

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

As we head into the holiday seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas, time becomes more sparse as we try and handle the daily chores of life mixed in with all that is expected each year from us for the holidays. Many of us agree that Thanksgiving is enjoyed more due to the lack of stress caused by Christmas shopping. It’s also that time where we need to wrap up whatever goals we set in 2021 that have not yet been accomplished. With that in mind our focus as a church vestry has been to have a new Rector in place before the end of the year or at least the very beginning of 2022. We are still striving for that goal and with all the work that Christine, Jen, Vestry, The Finance Committee and a few helpful parishioners have put in we should reach that goal. The Church Profile will be completed and released before the end of November. Then we will wrap up our OTM questionnaire and hopefully have that completed, submitted and reviewed by Canon Arlett of the Diocese by early to mid-December. In between all that we will hold 2 public church meetings in December for the discussion of church matters in the form of a “town hall”. We look forward to your participation in at least one if not both. This is your opportunity to voice in a constructive manner any concerns you have for the present and future direction of St. Andrew’s.

Lastly, as we head into the joyful giving season and pledge time, I wanted to add my personal journey as to why I have been giving a portion of my earnings and time to not only St. Andrew’s presently but also to past churches that I attended over the years. Our family has been at St. Andrew’s for 7-8 years now and for me personally I was encouraged to get more involved (start a Bible study/serve on vestry/ etc.) with the church by Father Tommy more so than any other person I can recall. Through that involvement I realized I needed to financially support the church more in order for ministries to get accomplished. I remember a Pastor telling me years ago that “we don’t give for who is in the pulpit but rather for Who is in the building”. If we make giving a personal agenda, we lose the true meaning and purpose of giving.

The future of St. Andrew’s is as bright as the star the shepherds followed that night. The excitement and anticipation of Christmas, mirrors that of what lies ahead for our church. Paul’s words to the Philippians remind us to strive ahead, forget the past and embrace tomorrow. “But this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before”.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


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