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Rector's Warden's Report

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

Hello St. Andrew's! I hope everyone is enjoying the height of summer and the long warm days that come along with it. It’s a more relaxed time at St. Andrew's, but know we already have a lot planned for September when many programs will resume and/or kickoff. In the meantime, enjoy our shaded church during the summer months, and hope to see many of you at services between all the fun vacations.

Below are our current Highlights, Opportunities, and Dependencies as a church. These are just high level bullet points and further information can be found within the individual ministry reports or by contacting a ministry leader.

Highlights (June)

  • Combined 10am Service for Children/Youth Day & Strawberry Festival Coffee Hour. Big thanks to Kristy Campagna for leading the organization of our youth volunteers. Our youth did an amazing job, especially Emma Campagna delivering a special sermon. Also, big shoutout to Julia Sanders for leading the charge for the after-service Strawberry Festival. It was a fantastic day!

  • Vacation Bible School, June 26-29. Thank you to all the volunteers that supported this event! A special coffee hour will be held on July 2nd to share highlights.

  • Property & Grounds ministry has been working hard on keeping our beautiful church in good working condition which lately included altar rail repair, spring cleanup, wasp mitigation, plumbing repairs, and assessing an AC problem. Thank you Ken Mancini and team!

  • Sunday School, Choir, and regular Coffee Hour schedule closes for summer months. We’re going to try and maintain a modified “pop up” coffee hour in the narthex after each 10am service from June-Aug, but will be dependent on volunteer help.


  • Mark your calendar for the parish picnic following the 10am service on September 10th!

  • Outreach Guatemala Day coming in September!

Dependencies (items that impact our ability to accomplish opportunities/goals)

  • Volunteers - Pop up coffee hour during summer months, ushers, altar guild, vestry committee members. If interested, contact Ben or a vestry member.

  • Membership growth

  • Reduce and eliminate the budget deficit

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