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Rector's Warden's Report

Hello St. Andrew’s Church! It’s an honor and pleasure to serve as Rector’s Warden and I look forward to supporting St. Andrew's Church in this role. I’m also incredibly thankful to be surrounded by such a dedicated Vestry Team towards serving the interests of our parish. There’s much happening at St. Andrew's, and the present and future is bright!

I’ll primarily be using my section in the Piper to provide a summary on the state of the church which will be categorized as Highlights, Opportunities, Dependencies, and Challenges. This is done in an effort to be informative and transparent on the “business” of the church and provide a snapshot at a high level. Many of these bullets can be looked at in more detail under the specific ministry reports within the Piper or directly with the Vestry or ministry leaders responsible for them; however, if anything needs clarity you are welcome to reach out to Rev. Ben or myself.

The following is focused on Feb/March:

Highlights (positive items that have happened or will be happening)

  • 3 New Vestry Members: Carly Landis - Outreach, Beth Butch - Music, Kristy Campagna - Secretary

  • Geoff McConnell - Nominated as our official St. Andrew's Verger. A Verger is a lay person at the church that assists clergy with public worship. Geoff is (and has been) deeply involved with the scheduling and training of our Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM), Lectors (Readers), and Acolytes; and, serves as our leader in that area of worship at St. Andrew's.

  • Sunday Services attendance on the rise - wonderful to see people returning and new potential members!

  • Pizza Bingo! Fellowship and Fundraising

  • St. Andrew's Garden constructed and prepared - supporting local food banks

  • St. Andrew's Community Bulletin Board - posted outside the kitchen

  • Completion of our 6 month Adult Christian Education Program - The Essential Jesus

  • Several Outreach Programs - please support!

  • Youth Lenten Service Projects: Mainline Animal Rescue and Operation 143 - please support!

Opportunities (items in progress/consideration)

  • Part Time Organist and Choirmaster: Currently searching for & interviewing viable candidates

  • Part Time Family Ministry Director (August): Exploratory committee in formation

  • Replacement of damaged sign on Rt 401

  • Vacation Bible School planned for end of July

Dependencies (items that impact our ability to accomplish opportunities/goals)

  • Successful kickstarter campaign to support Family Ministry Director - more info to come

  • Volunteers Needed: Coffee Hour, Spring Cleanup, Outreach, Choir - please let us know if you’re interested. We can use the help!

  • Financial Health: giving is on the rise, thank you for pledges. See categories of giving in the visual diagram in the Piper. Would you consider stretching to the next step?

Challenges (items that pose obstacles)

  • Covid Trends - we continue to monitor and manage for the health and safety of our congregation.

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