Hello St. Andrew’s,
I hope you all enjoyed a memorable and meaningful Holy Week. It is such a special time of year and I’m so thankful for the services we have that help us journey from Palm Sunday to the celebration of Easter.
As we break into Spring, new opportunities surround us at St. Andrew’s! It’s a perfect time of year to try something new and engage with St. Andrews in different ways than you have before. Are there things you’ve wanted to try or learn more about? Why wait?. You’ll be rewarded with new perspectives, connections, and rich experiences. And, if you are new I encourage you to get involved. It’s one of the best ways to build relationships and grow deeper roots. Plus, your energy and efforts will be greatly appreciated!
Some ideas to consider:
Host a coffee hour. It’s a single commitment event and you can go as basic or fancy as you’d like. And, it’s a super casual way to get to know more people as you host this time of fellowship. This is an area of great need, so why not give it a try? (Contact Julia Sanders)
Help with Spring Cleanup, April 27th. This is another single commitment event to be working in the church yard and beautify our grounds while getting to know others. This is a good one to meet people who you typically might not see from your usual 8am or 10am service as we get a good mix. (Contact Ken Mancini)
Help with our Outreach ministries. There are many different single commitment opportunities, like providing a meal for Atkinson’s, or you can be a regular committee member to be involved at a recurring level. Outreach has an upcoming meeting on April 28th and you are welcome to attend to learn more. Those who do outreach together build close bonds together! (Contact Carly Landis)
Become an Usher/Greeter. Isn't it nice to walk up to the church and get greeted with a warm smile and handy bulletin? This is a great way to get involved, meet people, and help with services. (Contact Lee Johnson)
That is just a small sample. You’ll see so many other opportunities just reading through this Piper and looking around the church. If something catches your interest, don’t hesitate to ask about it. Many hands make the work easier for all, and we build some of the best connections in doing so. Here are some of the latest highlights, opportunities, and dependencies as a church. Please read through the entire Piper for more detail on updates and information.
Highlights (March)
Adult Christian Formation - Burial of the Dead, Funeral Planning & Lenten Study
Outreach ministry highlight during coffee hour (March 10th) - Phoenixville Free Clinic
Outreach - Bridge of Hope, Easter dinners for families in need
Historic Church Tour
Easter Vigil & Fellowship Reception
Come learn about one of our outreach ministries, Thistle Hills, during coffee hour on April 14th.
Spring Cleanup! Join us to help beautify the church grounds, great exercise and fellowship with others. April 27th from 9-Noon.
Dedicate a special event or memory by sponsoring flowers for a given Sunday. Contact Diane Cikoski or Doug Pratt if you are interested.
Dependencies (items that impact our ability to accomplish opportunities/goals)
Volunteers - We need you! Let a vestry member know what you are interested in. Or we can direct you to a program that can use the help!