Items left to be completed this fall:
Stucco repair is underway but looking for other quotes now.
There has been a donation for plantings around the sign.
Painting of walls and power washing will be done in the next 2 weeks.
Could use some help to reset the headstones that have fallen over, etc. in the cemetery. Should only take a couple of hours depending on volunteers. Date TBD.
FALL CLEANUP-11/12/22. Need volunteers and any equipment like wheelbarrows, leaf blowers and rakes that people can bring. 9 AM to finish. Spring was 90 minutes. Can we beat that time with no fall mulching? Sign up form will be posted soon. Hope to see you out there.
As always, if there are any issues or you see something that needs attention, please reach out to me directly.
God Bless,
John Strang