Items that are to be completed this spring:
1) Wall repair - Finance Committee has approved funding to replace shingles and wiring to bring the cemetery wall back to code. Shingle work is done.
2) Church sign. Funds for replacing the church sign at 401 and St. Andrews Lane is done. Waiting on date for installation now.
3) There has been a donation for plantings around the sign as well. $150.00
4) There is a tree down and the end of the parking lot that will be removed this week.
5) A new gate for the entrance to the playground has been approved and is being built as we speak. Hope to get it installed before VBS starts in July.
6) Both entrances have been painted including the front doors to church.
7) There is a lot of stucco work and painting that needs to be done and waiting for the weather and scheduling to allow for this to happen.
8) I plan on painting the rest of the cemetery wall (and hopefully the street facing) side of the church itself this spring. As many know, we were the victim of at least 2 egg attacks that is very hard to remove.
As always, if there are any issues or you see something that needs attention, please reach out to me directly.
God Bless,
John Strang