“Ken,” you may ask, “what’s with the WWW title?” “Is this an attempt at some weird, whimsical, or whacky alliterative humor?” (Notice I just did it again). Well, perhaps…but in this case my response is: “Wind, Water, and Windows.”
First, the Wind. The recent severe wind and rain that hit our region caused significant damage to some of the trees on our church property; and it happened while I was away with my family on vacation. Fortunately, the St. Andrew’s Property Committee stood in while I was away and removed the broken branches and cleaned up the debris. Please join me in thanking the Property Committee members (Adam Ewing, Dominic Gallo, Jeff Herrera, John Strang, Lee Johnson, Robert Butch, and Tom Riley) for their great work and support in my absence.
Second, the Water. We had a PA DEP inspection of our water system in May. The only actionable item that was found was that the top foot or two of the well casing for our water pump was PVC instead of steel. In order to comply with the state regulations, we had to hire a plumber to remove the PVC section and weld a steel section in its place. It was an unexpected expense, and not small one, but it had to be done.
Finally, the Windows. I’m not sure how many of you have noticed that there are quite a few cracked panes of glass in the windows along the left side of the sanctuary. Replacing them would be fairly straightforward except for the fact that the glass is quite old…perhaps some of the original glass from when the building was constructed. Therefore, it has the characteristic waviness typical of glass manufactured at that time. Finding a comparable replacement is no mean feat. Fortunately, one of our parishioners, Steve Green, has experience with building restorations and he is pursuing suitable glass from his sources. Once we know more about what is available and how much it will cost, we can make the decisions appropriate to the project. I want to extend a word of thanks to Steve for his ongoing efforts. Look for updates on this in future Piper articles.
I hope all of you are having a fabulous summer…stay cool!
If you have any comments or suggestions about our property or buildings, or if you’d like to lend a hand on a project, I’d love to hear from you.