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St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

A Summer Sampler of Property Items: Small, Medium, and Large

We tackled a number of items since the last report in The Piper. These included some small items, such as replacing fluorescent tubes in an office ceiling light fixture, getting a wasp nest sprayed, and reinstalling the celling light reflector in the main sanctuary.

Among the projects that I would consider in the next tier was the purchase and installation of dehumidifiers in two lower level spaces of our church. One is located in the hallway under the Upper Hall. The second is tucked away in the stair landing leading out to the dumpster area. Both of those spaces were experiencing damaging levels of humidity and these dehumidifiers have already improved this situation. Also, among the medium size projects (measured in terms of hands-on work) was the resolution of the issue with the parking lot lights. We signed a contract with PECO Energy to replace the two lights on the poles in our parking lot with directed flood lights that are two-and-a-half times brighter than the current lights. The replacement lights have been ordered and a date has yet to be determined for when the work will be done…stayed tuned to the next Piper for an update…or drive by the parking lot in the evening. I’m sure you’ll be able to notice if that work has been done.

In the large category is one project that actually took two consecutive efforts to complete. That was the removal of the weeds in the playground area. Carly Landis came out one time and made great progress on that effort. Then the team of Dominic Butch, Jeff Herrera, Tom Riley, and Mary Louise Mancini came out on one hot summer night and finished the job. This was a major effort with a significant noticeable result…thanks to all five of them for a job well done.

Also, something that will be measured as a large project is out Fall Clean-Up. It is scheduled for Saturday, November 4, 2023, from 9 AM to 2 PM. The rain date is one week later, Saturday, November 11, 2023. If you can help out on that day, we’d surely appreciate it. Keep an eye out for the sign-up forms.

If you have any comments or suggestions about our property or buildings, or if you’d like to lend a hand on a project, I’d love to hear from you.

Ken Mancini

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