Meet Good Samaritan Services
About Good Sam
Good Samaritan Services compassionately responds to homelessness and poverty through a unique and personalized approach to empower our neighbors to move from housing crisis to stability. They engage the community to support these efforts. Serving over 600 men, women and children annually across Lancaster and Chester Counties, their vision is to see and serve all those who may be overlooked. Good Samaritan Services extends an invitation to everyone in need to receive help in the name of God’s love and mercy. Good Sam provides a series of services – a continuum – with a beginning and an end. There are many steps and opportunities for care and assistance. The endpoint is self-sufficiency (with God’s help), having successfully used our resources.
A foundation of faith
Christian faith is central to all programs at Good Sam. They draw on compassion to respond to the needs of individuals and families in crisis with generosity. To make a lasting impact they work in partnership with individuals and community groups; exercise thoughtful stewardship over the resources they have been given, and express gratitude for all the help they receive and share. They respond to our neighbors in need without
judgment or criticism. The teachings of Jesus in the parable of the Good Samaritan serves as a guide for the work.
A testament from the St. Andrew’s community
“The wonderful staff at Good Samaritan Services in Coatesville are always so thankful for our support! My family and I have been members at St. Andrew’s for over 11 years now and BOH (Bridge of Hope) has been one of St. Andrew’s long standing outreach ministries. BOH provides needy families an entire holiday meal for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. At Thanksgiving we provide the turkey and all its fixings including dessert, at Christmas we provide a roast beef meal, and at Easter we provide a traditional ham. Good Samaritan is a great organization that helps needy families with meals, housing, and counseling throughout their various locations. They rely on partners like us to help with their ministry. Bridge of Hope was the original name of the organization that has now grown into Good Samaritan Services.”
~Tiffany Zook
**Please join us for a special coffee hour and visit with Good Sam on Sunday, September 29th at 11:15 AM (after services) in the Upper Hall
Get Involved!
Contact: Mandy Ramos (Director of development)
717 – 340 – 0925