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St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

As we enter the season of Advent and impatiently wait for the birth of our Lord, Outreach is busy reaching out to those in our community. This month we will be collecting food items for our Bridge of Hope Christmas dinners, as well as spreading Christmas cheer to local children in Coatesville. We will also continue our ongoing support for the Coventry Food Pantry.

Giving Tree: After a year's hiatus due to Covid-19, the Giving Tree will return in December. As in previous years, we will be partnering with Episcopal Church of the Trinity in Coatesville. This year, however, we and Trinity will be collaborating with a new sponsor, Angel Tree Prison Fellowship, and the gifts will be for area children who have an incarcerated parent. Details are still being finalized and will be announced as we receive them.

Bridge of Hope Christmas Dinners: We are collecting an entire Christmas dinner for 10 families. Below is a link to the sign-up genius with the list of all the items that we are collecting. All items need to be at St. Andrew's by Sunday, December 19th.

How to Donate:

A basket is in front of the red doors to receive items for Bridge of Hope or you can put them in the room next to the office with the baskets. Please clearly mark Bridge of Hope on your donation bags. If you are providing a beef roast please be sure to deliver it when the church building is open and put it either in the refrigerator or freezer.

If you have any questions please contact Tiffany either at or 610-420-8751 (cell phone – feel free to text if that is easier).

Coventry Food Pantry: I spoke with the volunteers at the Coventry Food Pantry and they are so appreciative of our loyal support. All food and personal care products are needed, however they respectfully request we do not donate any more pasta products at this time. They have enough pasta for the foreseeable future.

Atkinson Dinner: We will be providing dinner for the Atkinson Men’s Shelter on Saturday, December 18th. Please watch for a special email with a sign-up to help cook food items for this dinner.

Volunteers Needed: We are always in need of more cooks for the monthly Atkinson dinners, volunteers to deliver collected items to the Coventry Food Pantry, and volunteers to lead our various Outreach programs. Please contact me to see how you can help!

Wishing you and your family a joyous Christmas and a blessed New Year!

~ Christine Whaley at or 215-901-9458

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