As we enter the month of November our thoughts naturally turn to Thanksgiving and the beginning of the holiday season. In November, we will also kick off our stewardship campaign which will culminate on St. Andrew’s Day, Sunday, November 28th.
I am so very thankful for our faith community and your generosity throughout the year as we collect items needed for organizations such as, The Clinic and Coventry Food Pantry, as well as cooking for the Atkinson Men’s Shelter. While our collections help these organizations with immediate needs, our monetary gifts help these groups to sustain their operations over time. Outreach supports 11 organizations with 60% of our funds going to support local charities. Your annual pledge directly impacts our ability to provide these important monetary gifts to these deserving organizations. While the Finance committee works hard to protect the funds for Outreach, we do need to keep the building heated and the lights on. Please consider this as you prayerfully consider your pledge.
Our November Outreach collection will continue to focus on supporting The Clinic in Phoenixville.
The Clinic’s mission is to provide quality healthcare to the uninsured, in an atmosphere that fosters dignity and respect for their patients. The staff provides comprehensive medical care for over 2,500 patients. Their needs are as follows:
Gift cards to Giant, Acme, Target, Walmart
Children’s Advil or Motrin
Pedialyte powder
Artificial Tears
Children’s and Infant Tylenol
Bandaids (adult and child)
Debrox ear drops
Hand sanitizer (32 oz.)
Liquid hand soap
White Paper towels (pick-a-size)
Toilet paper (single -ply)
Lysol/Clorox disinfectant wipes in canister
Post-it Notes
How to Donate: A basket is in front of the red doors to receive items or you can place your items in the baskets in the Biddle Room. Please place gift cards in the Offering Plates so we can make sure they don’t get misplaced.
Atkinson Dinner: We will be providing dinner for the Atkinson Men’s Shelter on Saturday, November 20th. Please watch for a special email with a sign-up to help cook food items for this dinner.
Volunteers Needed: We are always in need of more cooks for the monthly Atkinson dinners, volunteers to deliver collected items to the Coventry Food Pantry, and volunteers to lead our various Outreach programs. Please contact me to see how you can help!
~ Christine Whaley at hchwhaley@verizon.net or 215-901-9458.