As we welcome our community back from a summer filled with fun and special family-moments, I want to take the opportunity to thank all of you who continue to support our Outreach ministries. Regardless of summer vacation or pandemic issues, nothing stops you! You are amazing! Your commitment to supporting our neighbors in need allowed St. Andrew’s to continue our support of Coventry Food Bank, The Clinic in Phoenixville, Bridge of Hope and Atkinson Men’s Shelter to name a few. A huge thank you to Martha Thomae for her unwavering dedication to delivering the Atkinson dinner every month.
St. Andrew’s was able to donate 18 backpacks filled with school supplies, as well as some extra school supplies to the Coatesville Back-to-School Event! Special thanks to my trusty sidekick who helped me deliver all the backpacks!
I am excited to announce that Outreach will be working closely with Children & Youth Ministry this year to fully incorporate service to others into the church school curriculum. Lisa Yoest and I are just starting to plan out the year so if you have any ideas or would like to help in this area, please reach out to one of us.
Outreach Back-To-School Kick-Off:
To launch the Church program year and celebrate the return to school, we are asking each family to bring a favorite school year breakfast, lunch or snack item. Non-perishable items could include, but are not limited to:
· Peanut Butter & Jelly
· Favorite Cereal
· Breakfast Bars, Granola Bars
· Favorite Snacks – Fruit Cups, Goldfish, Applesauce
Atkinson Dinner: We will be providing dinner for the Atkinson Men’s Shelter on Saturday, September 18th. Please watch for a special email with a sign-up to help cook food items for this dinner.
How to Donate: A basket is in front of the red doors to receive items or you can place your items in the baskets in the Biddle Room.
Volunteers Needed: We are in need of more cooks for the monthly Atkinson dinners, volunteers to deliver collected items to the Coventry Food Pantry, and volunteers to lead our various Outreach programs. Please contact me to see how you can help!