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Music Report for October

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

For the music report for this month, I contemplated on where to start. A verse from Psalm 133 came to mind which states, “How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in peace and unity!”. As the church programs are now resuming activities once again, it is certainly a wonderful sight to have us gather again in person for worship services.

The music program, under the leadership of Nate with his instrumental and vocal talents, will be forming a choir with the St. Andrew’s members as its core. Although the numbers in our choir may initially be small, it is hoped that others may soon join in helping to lead the congregation for the musical enhancement of the liturgy. Nate brings to us a very unique capability to allow for individuals to grow in their faith and musical talents without feeling overwhelmed. The development of the natural skills that have been afforded to each of us allows for a sense of “peace” while also trying to attain the reward of a “good and faithful servant” before the Lord. Currently the choir rehearsals will entail meeting at 9:00 o’clock before for each Sunday 2nd service, along with a once a month Thursday evening session at 7:30 pm; the first Thursday of the month.

As Rev. Ben recently described in one of his sermons, we all have a human desire to be “great” at what we do. Rev. Ben also went on to state that the definition of “great” is certainly not well defined and that as humans, if this aspiration may be attained it can be but a fleeting moment in time. Disappointments should also be anticipated as we all too will fail from time to time. In reflecting further upon this sermon I would compare this to trying to define “beauty”. This too is left up to the eyes of the beholder.

So you all may now be asking, where does this previous paragraph then tie into a music report for the month. Quite simply it is this, may we all come to seek and find the “beauty” and “greatness” through the joys of music in our time together on Sunday mornings. This also is enhanced at the close of our services with the beautiful postlude organ music provided by Nate that I hope you have opportunities to enjoy.

“May the Peace which Passeth all Understanding with You All”

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