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St. Andrew's Episcopal Church


Dear friends,

As we enter the season of Advent, we have several ways to gather together in Fellowship:

December 3 - All Parish Tree Trimming and Cookie Coffee Hour

A joint effort between Fellowship and Family Ministries after the 10 am service. Join us as we will be enjoying coffee, hot cocoa, and cookies while making the Christmas tree ornaments and trimming the tree! All ages welcome.

December 10 - Normal coffee hour hosted by the Favorito Family

December 17 (after the 10 am service) - Post Christmas Pageant Coffee Hour

Join us for a Nativity themed coffee hour to celebrate the hard work of our children in the Christmas Pageant!

December 17 (after 7 pm Lessons & Carols) - Reception to follow service

Join us for a reception featuring a Bucktown Grazing charcuterie table and dessert. This is a perfect time to invite friends to experience St. Andrew’s and the warmth of the season through the beauty of music. Please click here to sign up to bring cookies.

December 24 (after 8 a.m. service) - Pop-up Coffee Hour in the Atrium

December 31 - Pop-up Coffee Hour in the Atrium

If you would like to get involved with helping with Pop-up Coffee Hours please use the QR code to sign up.

Thank you to all of the people who have helped with coffee hour in November including the Favorito Family, Stewardship/Jeff Herrera, the Choir, the Altar Guild, Jess Gallo and Susan Berry-Gorelli. Without you coffee hour would not be a success!

If you would like to be part of the Fellowship, Evangelism and Membership (FEM) committee and help with planning these events and the events to come in 2024 please reach out to me at Julia Sanders 215-880-9405,

Save the Date for Pizza Bingo February 25th!

Merry Christmas!

Julia Sanders

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