Congratulations to the congregation and the Outreach committee for helping to exceed our goal of $200 for our donation to UNICEF. We collected a total of $315! This includes donations made online and during our Trick or Treat Coffee Hour.
All Congregation Tree Trimming Coffee Hour
We will be kicking off the Advent season by making Christmas ornaments, sipping hot cocoa and snacking on cookies all while enjoying fellowship on Sunday, December 3rd during coffee hour.
Annual Christmas Pageant
Calling all Children & Youth! St. Andrew's will be hosting our annual Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 17th during the combined 10 am service. We will have a costume fitting/rehearsal on Sunday, December 10th immediately following the 10 am service. Please click here to sign up to participate. This is open to all ages and we are looking for both performers and supporting crew. If you have any questions, please reach out to Lisa Yoest at lisayoest@gmail.com.
Sunday School
This month we will be focusing on Advent for a couple of weeks before our Christmas Pageant and Holiday break. We hope you can join us as we prepare for the birth of Jesus!
Youth Group on December 3 & 10
All kids in grades 6 through 12th are invited to join the youth group from 4:00-5:30 pm. We will not be meeting December 17th through to the New Year. Please enjoy this time with your family.
Confirmation Class
We will meet at 11:30 am on December 10th in the Werner room for group discussion, and then we will be assisting with the Christmas Pageant rehearsal.
Important Dates
December 3 - All Congregation Tree Trimming Coffee Hour
December 10 - Rehearsal for Christmas Pageant directly after the 10 am service
December 17 - Annual Children’s Christmas Pageant- No Sunday school classes.
December 24 - No Sunday School classes- Christmas Eve
December 31 - No Sunday School classes- New Year’s Eve
January 7 - Sunday School classes resume