Welcome back!
As summer unofficially comes to a close, join us on Sunday, September 10 at the Fall Kick-Off and Ministry Fair. Come see the Family Ministries table where you will find engaging activities and crafts, information about our programs, registration for Sunday school, youth group, and confirmation, along with opportunities to volunteer as a teacher or mentor this year. Want to get ahead? Register your child or youth for the 2023-2024 year by clicking here. Sunday school classes will begin on Sunday, September 17!
Busy Bins
Please feel free to help yourself to our coloring materials located in the Narthex anytime. Materials are refreshed bi-weekly. There are also toys and books available in the atrium for your family to use. Great for a break before, after, or during the service.
Dates for your calendar
Sunday, September 10, 2023 - Fall Kickoff Picnic- all are invited to attend
Sunday, September 17, 2023 - Sunday school begins during the 10am service
Sunday, September 17, 2023 - Youth group begins at 4pm for all youth (grades 6-12)