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Family Ministries

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

Souper Bowl Sunday

Outreach and Family Ministries joined forces to go Beyond the Bowl to collect 141 cans of soup and $249 to donate to the Coventry Food Pantry on Sunday, February 4 during the Annual Meeting.

Our middle school, high school, and even a couple of college youth all joined us to serve 11 types of delicious soup made by our talented “chefs” here at St Andrew’s. With full bellies, we heard all about what our donations go toward when they leave the church and head off to the food pantry. It was a delicious afternoon filled with fellowship, generosity, and warmth. Thank you to our youth, parents, cooks, and various helpers who helped to make this annual tradition a success for not just us, but for the Coventry Food Pantry as well.

Junior Church Lenten Project

On Sunday, February 25 our Sunday school classes, Pre-K through fifth grade, worked together with our youth group, grades 6 through college age, to help students in six

surrounding school districts with food insecurity and homelessness with our Lenten service project.

We collected various snacks, small toys, candy, stickers, and an Easter wish to be combined in a goodie bag to be delivered over the Easter holiday weekend. Our goal was to provide a smile that will be delivered over the Easter holiday weekend with the Operation 143 backpack program. Our amazing students worked together using the supplies that were provided by our generous congregation to stuff over 400 goodie bags in under 40 minutes! Great job everyone!

Youth Group Atkinson Dinner Preparation

The sixth through twelfth-grade youth will be cooking dinner for the Atkinson Men’s Shelter on Saturday, March 16 from 2:30-5:00 pm here at St Andrew’s.

Donations are needed for the groceries we need to make this chili dinner. Please click here to see what items we still need and how you can help.

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

After the 10 am service on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024, we will be hosting our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Everyone up to fifth grade is invited to participate, so bring your family, friends, and neighbors. Are you older than fifth grade? Then you can help hide our eggs at 9:30 am on Easter morning. This is your chance to challenge our younger participants.

Just how many eggs will we have this year? We are going to be stuffing over 600 eggs on Palm Sunday, March 24, during the 10 am service with our youth, grades six and up. Please consider donating some empty or pre-filled plastic eggs to help make this event a success. All donations can be dropped off, by the morning of March 24, in the basket outside the Family Ministries office. Thank you for your support!

Youth Group every Sunday

All students in grades 6 through 12th are invited to join the youth group from 4:00-5:30 pm every Sunday in March, except Easter Sunday. We look forward to seeing you there.


We will meet on Sunday, March 10, 2024 after the 10 am service in the Werner room.

Sunday School

During Sunday school in March, we are focused on our Storymakers Lenten unit. We are discussing how Jesus comes to us and reminds humanity that God is concerned with our hearts not just our deeds.

VBS 2024- Camp Firelight

We are hosting Vacation Bible School from 9:00 am- 12:00 pm Monday, July 22 through Thursday, July 25 at St. Andrew’s. We hope you can join us as a registered camper (Pre-K through 5th grade), a youth volunteer, or an adult volunteer. Please reach out to Kristy Campagna if you would like to join our amazing team of volunteers.

Important Dates

March 10, 2024 - Confirmation class

March 16, 2024 - Youth cooking Atkinson dinner

March 24, 2024 - Youth stuffing eggs

March 31, 2024 - No Sunday school or youth group classes

Hiding of eggs 9:30 am

Easter Egg Hunt 11:30 am

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