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Fall is Coming!

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

It’s hard to believe that the summer is already coming to a close. Although the heat of the day has still been quite intense, it won’t be long before we’ll see the trees changing colors and the air begin to cool down. Fall is nearly upon us.

With the fall, Saint Andrew’s is looking forward to a time of renewal.

On September 12th, we will be bringing back our Choir, Sunday School programming, Acolytes, and even Coffee Hour. These are areas of ministry that have been dormant for the past year and a half. I was reminded of just how long it has been last week as I was poking around at the Sunday School curriculum that we have in the basement and there were literal cobwebs covering a stack of Bibles.

It is finally time to shake off those cobwebs!

In addition to Sunday activities, we are in a time of renewal for other areas as well. In addition to Sunday School, we will be holding both a confirmation class for grades 9-12, a communion class for grades 2-5 and an adult formation class. Also, if you have not done so yet, check out our fresh off the press new website at Our website has been updated with relevant information and is built as a tool for both those that attend Saint Andrew’s regularly and those that are looking for a new Church home. More information about all of these things will be rolling out gradually.

In the midst of this time of renewal, we are also facing the very real reality of the Delta variant and the increase in COVID numbers across our country. Many of the areas of ministry that we all know and love and are coming back will be adjusted in various ways in accordance with the CDC and the DOH recommendations, as well as recommendations from our diocese.

For those of you for whom coming back to Church is simply not in the cards yet - we hear you and we understand. Please consider joining us online for our livestream which we will continue to run for the time being.

Grace and peace and blessings to all of you!

Rev’d Ben

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