Our St Andrew's Essential Jesus Program is approaching the halfway point. We’ll be taking a break on Dec 12th, but will resume shortly after the new year. Perhaps one of your New Year’s resolutions is to incorporate some quiet time and bible reading into your schedule. I’d highly recommend joining for the second half of this program.
Participants have shared the following:
Has brought a sense of peace in times of challenge
Provided a purpose and structure to regularly read the Bible
Helped provide a clear meeting time with God
First time opening the Bible outside of regular Sunday services and has been uplifting
The second half of the program will consist of 50 readings (5 per week) with a continued focus on Jesus through the New Testament. We’ll occasionally have optional group meetings to discuss the readings, share, and have fellowship around the and have fellowship around the program.
It’s never too late to join, so if you are interested email Tom Riley at tsriley5150@gmail.com.