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A Message from Rev'd Ben

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

September is upon us. With September comes back to school photos, the end of beach season, and, for many, a return to the normal pace of life that the summer so often offers a reprieve from. September also means the return of the normal pattern of things here at Saint Andrew’s. On September 10th we will kick things off with a combined service, a parish picnic, and a ministry fair. It is important that we gather together for things like this. It’s not only part of our identity as a Church, it is also vital to the Christian journey. More and more research has been done that shows how being a part of a spiritual community that consistently gathers for worship, prayer and fellowship is a non-negotiable if we want to live balanced and productive lives. Gathering together to be formed as Christians, worship, pray, and fellowship together regularly is not only good for us, it provides a critical source of stability in a world that is so often quite turbulent.

Throughout this issue of the Piper you will find all sorts of ways to plug in and get engaged with our joyful community. I hope you’ll be able to join us as we walk this Christian life together. Do also make sure to join us on September 10th for our kick off Sunday. I look forward to seeing you there.

Rev’d Ben

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