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St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

Rector's Warden's Report

Hello St. Andrew's!

The summer months are upon us and many will be enjoying vacations and activities with planned time away. Church activities won’t be as prevalent, the choir and Sunday school classes are on break, and coffee hour won’t be as regular for a few months. And yet without these things, it’s a sweet time of the calendar year where it’s relaxed and quieter. We can anticipate and appreciate the faces seen on Sunday knowing we may not see them for a while between the comings and goings of summer plans. Although activities are scaled back, it’s never impacted the consistency of our services offered to the community, and there will always be someone at the door to give a smile and welcome those that enter our doors. Whether you are near or afar, I hope you remember that we are with you, and you are with us in spirit each Sunday as we gather. And I pray for a wonderful and memorable summer for us all.

Here’s a summary of our current Highlights, Opportunities, and Dependencies as a church. Please inquire with individual ministry leaders and/or vestry members on further detail and depth.

Highlights (May)

  • Spring Cleanup! Thanks to Ken Mancini, all our volunteers, and especially the Boy Scouts that helped to beautify our grounds.

  • Multi-Congregational Service to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. A wonderful time to gather with the greater Episcopal community, choir, and church leaders for a special time of worship.

  • Ludwig’s Corner Day: A great opportunity for the local businesses and St. Andrew's to promote our services to the community. Thank you to all that came out to support it!

Opportunities (June)

  • Combined 10am Service for Children/Youth Day & Strawberry Festival Coffee Hour, June 4. You won’t want to miss it!

  • Vacation Bible School, June 26-29

  • Sunday School, Choir, and regular Coffee Hour schedule closes for summer months. We may occasionally have some pop-up coffee hour happenings.

Dependencies (items that impact our ability to accomplish opportunities/goals)

  • Volunteers needed for Vestry Committees and Ministries - contact Rev. Ben or anyone on the Vestry

  • Membership growth

  • Reduce and eliminate the budget deficit

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