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St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

Freedom Through Empowerment

The Domestic Violence Center of Chester County (DVCCC) envisions a community free from domestic violence, where every individual feels empowered, respected, and safe. Their mission is to reduce domestic violence by supporting survivors and advancing prevention strategies.

DVCCC began as the YWCA Women’s Resource Center (WRC) to serve as an information and referral service for Chester County women. Once this service became known, it started receiving a flood of calls from women in situations of violence. The directors of WRC, finding no organization in the area to which the victims could be referred, reorganized the agency as the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County, focusing on domestic violence intervention and prevention. Since they opened their doors, they have served more than 40,000 victims of domestic abuse, averaging over 3,000 survivors and their dependent children each year.

DVCCC offers extensive services through a lens of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion at no cost to survivors of domestic violence in Chester County. Services to adults and children include legal advocacy and representation, medical advocacy, counseling, a 24-hour hotline, housing programs, and education. DVCCC partners with the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, and the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. DVCCC is committed to empowering survivors of domestic abuse through providing information and supporting them as they reclaim their lives. DVCCC provides services at our main, confidentially located site and outreach sites in Coatesville, Kennett Square, Oxford, and Phoenixville. Services are available in English and Spanish.

Anyone interested in volunteering with DVCCC can contact directly and use the subject: “I want to be one of the friends!”


Bridge of Hope Thanksgiving Dinners

St. Andrew's will continue its support of Good Samaritan Services/Bridge of Hope for 10 families to have an entire Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings. One significant change this year will be to provide a $35 gift card to Giant or Walmart for the purchase of a turkey or substitute; we were told that there have been extra turkeys and many people receive their own turkeys from work or free from points, etc - this change is probably easier for all of us providing the “turkey gift" as well. Please click here to sign-up to provide one or more items and drop them off in the Biddle Room or place them in the Vestry Room (opposite the library). Please make sure to clearly mark the bag with Bridge of Hope so the items do not get mixed up with our donations to the Coventry Food pantry. Please provide all items no later than Sunday, November 24th. Thank you for your partnership as we spread our love out into the community.

If you have any questions, please contact Tiffany Zuch at or feel free to call/text at 610-420-8751. Thank you!

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