Hello St. Andrew’s,
We’ve had a great start to 2024 with many highlights and opportunities to share. It’s been wonderful seeing so many of you active and engaged in so many ways. Easter arrives early this year, and I look forward to Holy Week and the many opportunities to reflect and celebrate this special time. If you haven’t been to our Good Friday service or Easter Vigil service and reception, I’d highly recommend giving it a go this year. See you around church!
Highlights (Jan-Feb)
Annual Meeting & Souper Bowl of Caring, highlighting Outreach Partner Coventry Food Pantry.
Outreach Ministry Partner presentation - Atkinson Men's Shelter
Lent Bible Study
Pizza Bingo Fellowship Event
Youth Outreach - Operation 143
Special thanks to the Property Committee members for the recurring needs and quick responses for snow/ice remediation over the winter months!
Special thanks to Henry Bernard for the many years of being on staff as our bookkeeper. As Henry retires, we welcome our new bookkeeper Mike Wolford.
Adult Christian Formation - Prayer Book & Funeral Planning
Outreach ministry highlight during coffee hour in March - Phoenixville Free Clinic. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about this special outreach partner at an upcoming coffee hour.
Outreach - Bridge of Hope, Easter dinners for families in need
Historic Church Tour - March 23rd
Easter Vigil and special fellowship reception
Spring Cleanup is coming and we could use your help! Mark your calendar for April 27th from 9-Noon to help us beautify the church grounds.
Dependencies (items that impact our ability to accomplish opportunities/goals)
Volunteers - We need you! Let a vestry member know what you are interested in. Or we can direct you to a program that can use the help!