Hello St. Andrew’s!
I hope everyone’s summer has gotten off to a fun and relaxing start. Mine certainly did, since it started with my first time at VBS. (Kids might not always be relaxing per se, but they are definitely invigorating!)
I’d like to take this opportunity to talk a little more about my experience with the children in VBS and talk about the youth choir.
One thing that I love about St. Andrew’s is that there are so many children. From where I sit at the organ, getting a clear view of the kids stomping down both aisles before communion each Sunday is a special sight. Not to mention quite a hilarious juxtaposition to the solemn scene going on at the altar. How can such small beings make such an entrance that it even overtakes the rumbling organ? And yet their noisy promenade never feels unwelcome, or even out of place.
For their noise is not meant to provoke, but is instead a testament to their joy. It’s a strong reminder to me just how much they are immersed in their own blissful reality, pleasantly unaware of the complexity and seriousness of human existence. And this innocent stage is one we so easily forget; that’s why children can help us.
It is so visible that this church community knows and values this fact, and therefore actively caters to their involvement. During VBS, I witnessed Kristy and the whole team of “sidekicks” work to launch the children into their superhero fantasy world— setting up, rehearsing, gathering materials, coordinating, etc.— and the result was wonderful. The kids ate it all up, and when they came to me and Emma each day to learn the dances and songs, they where whizzes. They were hilarious.
I endeavor to continue the youth choir in that same attitude this coming school year. I will foster their joyful innocence, like the St. Andrew’s team did at VBS, while also helping them grow musically. In the same way that VBS helps them learn Christianity through games and activities, choir will help them learn music. I truly believe it will be a valuable experience for your children, and so I hope I can see some new faces in youth choir this year!
The youth choir page needs updating from last year, but you can still find the sign up link on the website in the choir section under ministries. The first day of rehearsal will be Thursday, September 14th, 5:30 PM.
Enjoy your summer!
Your Choir Director,
~Audrey Drennen