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Adult Christian Education

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

The Essential Jesus Program

Our St Andrew's Essential Jesus Program started on October 3rd, and many of you are participating, which is fantastic! It’s never too late to join, and all are welcome and encouraged to do so. Reverend Ben will also tie many teachings as a focal point to Jesus over the program period, and by taking part in the reading portion of the program you’ll be setting yourself up for a powerful journey.

Participation can be as simple as reading 5 Bible passages per week that will explore the significance of Jesus before his birth, while he walked the earth, and after his resurrection. You will see how this relates to your life through an accompanying Bible Guide with clear explanations of the passages and self reflection questions. There are optional group meetings for discussion and fellowship throughout the program period, but if you’d like to just read along without the meetings that is totally fine.

To sign up, email Tom Riley at

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